Hey! 👋
I'm Daniel, a software engineer from Brazil and currently based in Berlin. I've been working with web apps since 2010 and more specifically, since 2013, almost exclusively with Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Although I'm working most of the time on the backend with Ruby, I have a good amount of real lifeâ„¢ experience working with Golang, and on the frontend, with Javascript, React, etc. I'm a happy person whenever I can: work with great people, have the opportunity to try out different technologies and be in a project where good practices, like code review, CI/CD, pairing, mentoring, etc, are top priority.
1) caldav-go: Golang library to handle CALDAV requests.
2) flat_morse: A simple Morse encoder implementation with good OOP.
Nov 17, 2019: When belongs_to association in Rails goes weird
Nov 2, 2019: Asserting HTTP responses with Ruby at runtime
Oct 16, 2019: Code that tries to be too clever
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